SEO Coaching #01 – Sept. 13, 2021

Video Transcript (coming soon)

Watch the video on demand in your web browser or right-click HERE to download.Recorded September 13, 2021

This is our first SEO for Architects Coaching Call.

You may attend these calls using the same Zoom link as the July/August class sessions.They are held at the same time (Mondays at 1 pm US Pacific time).

Please bring your questions and any materials you'd like us to review.

TIP: Post your questions, files and links ahead of time in Slack in the NEW #coaching-sessions channel. This will make it easier for us to organize the session and give you feedback.

The structure of these Coaching Calls will go as follows:

1. Wins

What ah-has, insights, and/or breakthroughs have you had? What is going well? What is working for you?

  • It’s important to hear from people (other than the instructors) how they are finding success.

2. Questions

What questions do you have? What do you need help with to move you forward?

  • This is the main purpose of the meeting, please bring questions.


If we run out of questions, we may use the remainder of the time to share something with you to get your feedback.

- Bryon and Eric


As a participant in the SEO for Architects Course you have access to several bonuses, including:

  • In-depth website SEO Audit
  • Expertise Content Creation
  • a. 20-minute video interview plus...
  • b. Done for You 500-word article plus...
  • c. Set of 3 ready-to-use social posts
  • One month of free SEO for Architect coaching (starting Monday)
  • Petrie Method™ training course (login info was sent at time of enrollment)

If you signed up in June, you are also eligible for the Fast Action bonuses:

  • 30 Minute one-on-one consultation with AMI's Eric Bobrow to go over your firm’s marketing strategy.
  • 30 Minute one-on-one consultation with Archmark's Bryon McCartney to review your SEO Audit Report.



If you haven't already received your SEO Audit, the first step is to complete your onboarding form:

After completing your onboarding form and receiving your SEO Audit report, you may schedule your Archmark consultation with Bryon McCartney here (if you haven't had one with Bryon up to this point):

You may schedule your AMI consultation with Eric Bobrow here:

IMPORTANT: Consultation booking pages will be available through September 30th.


Please read this email carefully as it contains important details.

To ensure effective and efficient processing of your request, please follow these steps: 

1. Open up the following Google Docs and use the File menu option to Save a Copy, then revise the title to include your name:

a. WK03 Topic Expander & Planning Workbook

b. WK04 Expertise Articles Framework (Steps 1-10 on Pages 5-11)

2. Fill in these worksheets to lay out the topic and contents of your planned article, as well as the questions you'll be asked in the interview.

3. Create a shareable link using the Share option in the upper right of each Google Doc. Be sure to set it for Editor access by Anyone with the Link. Copy each of these links and save them for future use.

4. Use this Google Form to submit your article worksheets:

5. After submitting this form, we will review your worksheets and email you with any questions.

6. Once we have reviewed your form and worksheets, you'll get an email with a link to book your interview time slot.

If you have any questions, you may get assistance or clarification during one of the Coaching Sessions, or via posting in Slack in the #coaching-sessions channel. If you have a technical issue, you may email

7. You will have your 20-minute interview with one of our team members.

8. Within 2-4 weeks of the interview, you will receive your 500-word article and social media post content.

IMPORTANT: All requests will be handled on a first come, first served basis.


I have already written an article, is it possible to have your team review my article instead?

Yes, if you have already written and published an article, and would like our team's help in improving it, you can do that instead. In this case, the article must already be published on your website. We will analyze the article, provide recommended corrections and edits, and fully optimize the article for search ranking results.

Why do I need to complete the worksheets listed above?

In order for our teams to interview and write an article for you, they must have as much information as possible. The two requested forms, when fully completed, will provide the required information. 

In the course, it was recommended that blog articles should be 1,500 words in length, why are these articles 500 words?

Writing an authoritative, fully researched, SEO optimized article, without any prior contact with a client is not a simple task. The goal of this process is give you the experience of a live interview, provide you with the core elements of a sound article, and provide sample social media content. We anticipate that you will want expand your article with additional information from your own experiences, such as case study or recent project information. 

Why does it take 2-4 weeks to complete the article?

We hope to have your articles completed much sooner. However, we cannot anticipate how many of you will be requesting this bonus. It’s possible we may need to conduct 40+ interviews, write 40+ different articles, and create content for 120+ social posts within a short period of time. In fairness to our team, we want to ensure there is adequate time to meet the demand. 

What is the latest date I can schedule my interview?

All interviews must be reserved no later than September 30th, and completed by October 15, 2021.


Please fill out our short SEO for Architects Course Survey to give us feedback, suggestions and constructive criticism.

If you have had a good experience you’ll have an opportunity to give us a quote or testimonial….


To receive AIA Continuing Education credit (10 LU) and a Certificate of Completion(suitable for framing LOL) that you can forward to other associations for CPD consideration, simply complete the quiz here:

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions?
Email and we'll do our best to help you out!

- Eric and Bryon

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