SEO for Architects Course - Continuing Education Quiz
Thank you for participating in the SEO for Architects Course!

To get continuing education credit, please fill in this quiz. If you are an AIA member, fill in your AIA number and we will submit directly to AIA for credit.

We will also send every person who completes the quiz successfully (getting 80% or more of the questions correct) a certificate of participation for your records; you may be able to forward these to your local licensing authority.

Note that you may retake the quiz (after seeing which questions you missed, and reviewing the course materials) if you don't pass it the first time.

If you have any logistics questions or concerns, please email

Bryon McCartney & Eric Bobrow
SEO for Architects Course
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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First Name *
Last Name *
AIA Number (optional)
To pass this quiz, you'll need to get at least 80% of the questions correct.
You may take the quiz again if you need to; we recommend doing this after reviewing the course materials...

The quiz starts in the next section.
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